"Still most people make
the effort." - effort.zip
"Captain Janeway, report to your Ready
Room." - captainj.zip
"You're my deliverance, Captain." - youremy.zip
"Violence and beauty, science and faith, all
somehow mingled harmoniously... like the counterpoint of this music." - violencebeauty.zip
"There's no reason for us to be adversaries. I
could be your friend." - theresnoreason.zip
"Remarkable. How old is this?" - remarkable.zip
"Prax here, still refuses to try it." - praxhere.zip
"I'm just trying to get to know you,
Captain." - imjusttryingtoget.zip
"That's fortunate. For you, I mean." - thatsfortunate.zip
And right now you could certainly use one." - andrightnowyou.zip
"I don't expect it's been easy." - idontexpectits.zip
"Your predicament?" - yourprodic.zip
"Captain, please make yourself a home." -
"I took the liberty of playing this
music throughout your ship. I thought it might help your crew relax." - itooktheliberty.zip
"It seems you have a longstanding obsession
with exploration, Captain." - itseemsyouhave.zip
"Where is it?" - where.zip
"Prax." - prax.zip
"It seems I never did earn your trust." -
"Because of what I'm about to tell
you..." - becausewhatim.zip
"Call me Kashyk, please." callme.zip
No. For that you'll need my guidance and some
luck." - noforthatyou.zip
"You have you no choice captain. I'm you're
only hope." - youhaveyour.zip